Sunday, February 22, 2009

Doug got a hobby

I'm always telling Doug to get a hobby and in January he did it!
He built Motorcycles.

Dad really wanted to go on a cruise for Christmas this year and when that didn't happen he announced that we would be going on a different kind of cruise...
in the hills or at the sand dunes. They dirt bikes came in crates from China and Dad had already put one together so Doug helped with the second one.

After they put it together Doug had to go for a ride.

For not knowing how to drive a manual car my first ride on the motorcycle was really pretty fun.

This is motorcycle number 2 that Doug put together. It had 1000 of the strangest puzzle pieces and was by far the hardest puzzle that I have ever helped with.

It took us about 2 weeks of randomly placing pieces here and there to get it together but the end results were great!
(I finally got my table back)

2009 Goals

We have a goal to go through all the temples in Utah this year...
and our first stop was the Manti Temple on January 17, 2009

This is a gate on the south side of the Manti Temple
(The side where the Manti Pageant is held)

Doug, Myself and Lisa in front of the "old" front door.

The Manti Temple is so beautiful and intricate.

This is my favorite picture!

Doug's little sister Lisa

Our second stop was supposed to be the Mount timpanogos Temple for Lisa but when Doug went to pick her up she was still a sleep... Oops. We all had a good laugh about it and instead we made a quick detour to the Jordan River Temple on February 21, 2009

Taking this picture brought back so many memories.

We are such cute bunch!

You be the Judge

Since we've had Colby my cute friend has been telling me about a cake from Walmart that looks just like him. I finally broke down and bought the little version so Doug could see it, minus the pink bow he thinks it's pretty good... Now you be the judge?!?!?