Friday, May 8, 2009

8 is enough...

8 Things I am Looking Forward to:
1. Staining my table (I'll put up a picture when it's done)
2. Getting my House
3. Painting the inside of the house
4. My Momma's day gift...he he he
5. A fenced in yard for Colby
6. Family Camp out
7. Long summer day's
8. The Weekend to begin

8 Things I did Yesterday:
1. Put one coat of stain on my table
2. Chased my Dog
3. Sent Wes a good luck card on his last day at the bank :o(
4. Paid bills...
5. Made my bed
6. locked my key's in the car...
7. realized my 2 spar sets were also in the car...
8. waited till 6:30 for Doug to save me after work. Oops

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
2. Float down the Provo River
3. I wish I could go stain my table but it's too chilly outside
4. Stay in touch with good friends better
5. Get up in front of people without having a heart attack
6. Drive a stick shift
7. Be more productive
8. Go on nice walks every day.

8 Shows I Watch:
1. Ellen
2. Gray's Anatomy
3. Cooking Network
4. What not to Wear
5. I really only watch TV every once
7. And a while, especially since it's getting
8. To be so nice outside these days.

7 people to do this
1. Krystal
2. Crystal
3. Che
4. Kassie
5. Laura
6. Kristan
7. Tera

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

For those of you who don't know, Doug and I have been living with Mom and Dad while we close on our house. And this is the fun we had this morning...

When I got up Doug told me, "Your Dad has a surprise for you and the whole family..." I asked where it came from and his reply was the front yard, so immediately i thought the cats brought us a gift during the night. Doug said "No, it's alive and in your parents room..." Doug opened the door and started crawling on the ground and making Kissee noises. Which for those of you who know Doug will think that is really strange. Then I noticed the bowl of cat food on the floor and out popped a jet black fluff ball of a kitten. She is so darn cute and probably weighs less then a pound but she seems healthy a happy cause she wont stop purring. I think we'll name her Mia. She loves to play with Colby's pom pom tail and He followers her everywhere. (she even stole a few bites of his breakfast) She has had a really long morning and is really sleepy so I'll leave you with this.