Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My cute little Syrus got neutered yesterday along with having 8 baby teeth pulled. He is such a playful puppy it's hard to see him laying on his blanket and only be able to paw his toys to death. He has lots of meds and Colby is right by his side if he makes any abnormal noises. Such a cute little guy!

Did you know that if a puppy's baby teeth don't fall out, on there own, by the time they are 6 - 10 months its best to have the vet pull them? If the teeth are still there they wont stop growing and will travel right up into there navel cavities and could cause problems later on in life? At least that's what our vet told us… but maybe she just wanted a little extra mullah.


Krystal said...

Poor Syrus! I hope he starts feeling better soon! You can't even tell Chicken Nugget got spayed yesterday. She is everywhere! I keep having to stop her from jumping on things.

Marianne said...

It sounds like it was the right thing to have the baby teeth pulled. Hopefully the recovery won't take long and Syrus will be back to himself sooner than later.