Saturday, July 16, 2011

Lamp shade how to...kinda

Warning: this uses tons of fabric!
I cut a painter drop cloth, bought from a local big box store for $9, into 3 inch strips and folded them in half.

This is an old lamp shade that i had just hanging around the house. The base was an old $3 copper base from DI, I just spray painted it Krylon primer gray. I absolutely love the color!

Next you blob on a ton of glue and start twisting the strips of fabric all over the lamp shade. I didn't do anything too consistent, just what looked good to me.

It took forever... just keep going.
This might be the worlds heaviest lamp shade so don't drop it on your toes when your finished.

Finished product.
It looks so fantastic when its lit up!!!

1 comment:

Amy said...


How the heck are you? And where in the world do you come up with such cute, creative decorating tips. I absolutely love the lampshade. I miss you!!