Sunday, April 24, 2011

Baby Gender

We were in the ultrasound room waiting for the nurse and I realized I had my camera in my purse.

Hurry Doug lets document this moment so we can put it in the baby's memory book.

Every picture turned out so nerdy!!! I'm out of focus.

Or we look horrible...

Or Doug just got so fed up that he starts making fun of me :O)

As you can see we really can have a good old time especially when we found out that...


Laura Morris said...

That is so exciting!!! Congrats you two!! Any names yet?

Amy said...

I love your candid pictures. Maybe I need to put my glasses on, but the pictures don't look out of focus to me. You'll be happy you have those later on.

So excited you're having a baby boy!!!

Krystal said...

Christina is so excited that you have a baby belly!!!