Sunday, April 24, 2011

Pitter Patter

Doug knows just how to make my heart go pitter patter.

Instead of buying me chocolates or roses, or bringing home a romantic comidy... he buys me TILE

My heart just flips for fun do it ourself projects.
He got me white subway tile for our kitchen backsplash. Then told me I could pick out an accent. We went on the hunt at Home Depot and I found just the thing... cut glass!

He spent the whole weekend doing it (keep in mind this was about a months ago)

Isn't he such a happy camper! He didn't look this gun ho by the time the project was coming to an end :O) Such a sport!!!!

Here is the finished product, Doug could go pro from the looks of it.


Amy said...

Wow Doug did a really good job. I've never done anything like that myself, but from all the HGTV I watch it looks like long tedious work. Love your kitchen, and love that Doug knows just how to spoil you. Miss ya!

Krystal said...

Doug really did a fantastic job!